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Bruce Willis Followed Me Around

September 12th, 2018   |   By Tom Woods

Last night Bruce Willis sauntered into Playa Betty’s on Amsterdam Ave in Manhattan, where a friend and I were eating.

It’s right near the Beacon Theatre, where Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull would be performing that night.

My friend and I put it together: Willis is known to be a progressive rock fan. He’s eating near the Beacon so he can get to the concert.

Ding ding ding.

I’d managed to get myself rather a nice seat for the show. What I didn’t realize was: Bruce Willis would be sitting right in front of me.

Since he was sitting in the seat on the end, he was able to stand in the aisle for a few minutes here and there and in effect lead the cheers. I grinned like an idiot at him and complied.

What a great night.

Now look:

I’m not asking you to rescue hostages at Nakatomi Plaza, or run around New York City solving riddles with the Samuel L. Jackson character.

I’m asking you to make a micro-commitment to yourself, with a product that’s less than $10 and requires zero prior knowledge or tech skills, but which certainly works to bring in nice little paydays here and there. It’s a method I’d never seen before, but I instantly saw the value in it.

Plus I’ve loaded it with bonuses.

But the price goes up at midnight.

Yippie ki yay, Benjamin Tucker:

Have You Heard of the Guy Who Prevented Nuclear Annihilation? (Most Haven’t)

September 11th, 2018   |   By Tom Woods

This is no joke.

Well, this part is: Jerry Seinfeld in one of his standup routines once talked about a guy who was able to catch a bullet in his teeth.

And Seinfeld said: I can’t even remember the guy’s name. Can you imagine the guy’s reaction if he knew that? “What would it take to really impress you? Catching a cannonball in the eye?”

Same goes for Stanislav Petrov, the man who saved the world from nuclear annihilation.

In 1983, Petrov — a military officer who was on night duty at the Soviet military’s early-warning facility outside Moscow — heard an alarm go off indicating a U.S. nuclear attack.

He had to make a quick decision. If he told his superiors it was a genuine attack, they would have no time for deliberation. They would order a massive counterattack, and civilization would be destroyed.

Petrov went ahead and told his superior that the satellites were feeding false information. The ground radar could not confirm the incoming missiles, and the radar system was more reliable than the satellites.

He was right, and the world was saved.

And chances are, you’ve never heard of him.

And when he died last year, there was no official acknowledgment from the Russian government.

I thought of all this last night as a dozen or so of my listeners and I successfully completed an escape room in New York City called “Nuclear Annihilation.”

We weren’t exactly Stanislav Petrov, but we did escape the room and avoid nuclear annihilation with 13 minutes to spare, and that’s at least something.

Now here’s the deal.

I’m not asking you to be Stanislav Petrov and save the world.

I’m not even asking you to play an escape game with me and solve all kinds of difficult puzzles.

I’m asking you to do something much more simple and mundane.

My friend Bill Hugall (whom I am gently and subtly nudging toward becoming a libertarian) consistently releases good stuff.

He has an excellent and very inexpensive new product called Unbreakable, that teaches a fresh method for generating nice little online paydays that I’d never seen before and that uses a website I’d never heard of until now.

It’s brilliant and it works. You’ll get that immediately.

What’s more, it assumes zero prior knowledge, and it involves the lowest time commitment of anything I’ve ever recommended.

I’ve loaded up this $8 product (the price keeps nudging upward little by little) with some nice bonuses, and if you decide to pick up one of the upgrades, I’m even throwing in a course on blogging that you can not only learn from but you can also sell and keep all the profits from (it comes with a ready-made sales page).

But the price goes way up tomorrow night, and then you’ll be sad.

If you don’t click, Stanislav Petrov’s sacrifice was in vain:

The Little Guy’s Online Options Are Shrinking

August 28th, 2018   |   By Tom Woods

In the old days it was enough to start a website, throw some Amazon products up there, say a few things about them, and watch the commissions roll in.

Not so anymore.

Too many people started doing it.

And before you knew it, you were relegated to page 37 of Google searches, where no one would ever find you.

So is affiliate income dead? Not by a long shot. Plenty of people make very nice livings with it. (In fact, you’d be shocked at how nice.)

But you have to know what you’re doing. You have to know what kinds of things you have a prayer of ranking on Google for, for example, and what kinds of things you should avoid like the plague.

And you have to know the kinds of websites and content Google likes, and the kinds it dislikes and even penalizes.

And heck, you have to know how to start a website, which for some people can be very intimidating, but absolutely does not need to be.

Easiest, most pain-free way to get the answers: watch two masters at work.

Today my friends of three years Sara Young and Andrew Hansen are putting on just such a demonstration for you folks (yes, just for my readers) at 5:00pm Eastern. We’ll be going over different material from what we covered last week.

You’ll be able to figure out if this stuff is for you. (It is.) And you’ll save yourself many, many hours of agony and dead ends trying to find everything out on your own.

These presentations often fill up, so grab your spot (and remember, to make it more exciting I’m once again giving away $200 to each of five random attendees):

Conquer Your Insecurities

August 27th, 2018   |   By Tom Woods

I know I’m not alone in having insecurities.

I think mine started back in junior high. Those were extremely rough years for me. I had had my friends in elementary school, but when a bunch of elementary schools sent all their students to the junior high in sixth grade, I had to start fresh with a huge new batch of kids.

It didn’t go well.

I was one of the nerdy kids, and man did they let me know it.

I became skeptical of my ability to make friends, and even when I did, I wasn’t sure I really believed them. Did they really want me to join them for lunch, or did they just not know what else to say to me?

This kind of insecurity has haunted me for so many years and indeed so close to the present moment that I would be embarrassed to discuss it further.

And it has sometimes meant that for all my bluster, frankly I have cared quite a bit what my enemies have said about me.

Poor Michael Malice has even had to lecture me about this. Tom, how could you possibly care what an idiot like this thinks? Why does it matter to you?

Pretty much everyone who’s even slightly in the public eye is going to be misrepresented, or hated for irrational reasons. It is unreasonable to expect that I alone would be an exception to this rule.

My brain generally gets that. But the emotional side feels like I’m back in junior high again: I’m a decent kid, but people who don’t know me at all have already rendered their judgment.

It’s critical to get a handle on this kind of insecurity, because it’s going to distract you from what Ben Settle calls your Mission.

Only you can know and formulate your Mission. Your Mission is that thing that drives you, that place you want to be, that goal that your every action is aiming toward.

Anything, particularly something irrational like this, that distracts you from your Mission must be rooted out without mercy.

I as much as anyone need to take this advice.

But perhaps you do as well.

You’re on my list, so I know you have an interest in starting an online business of some sort, even if it’s just a website that earns you affiliate commissions.

What’s holding you back from fulfilling your Mission?

Is it a lack of confidence in yourself?

Is it a fear of opening a new chapter in your life?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

These are holding you back every bit as much as my own securities have held me back.

I’m matching you up with a couple of people about whom my folks have not had one unkind word. They are outstanding. And if you let them, they will help you overcome whatever is keeping you from carrying out your Mission.

Sara and Andrew are doing one more workshop with me tomorrow (Tuesday). We’ll cover some different information from what we hit on last week.

In general, we’ll be covering more specifics about how to build something online that you can be proud of, that you will enjoy working on, and whose model will not become obsolete by next week. We’ll also give ten examples of products that sell very well and bring in good commissions.

I’m even giving away $200 to each of five random attendees.

If your rational fears are getting in the way of your Mission, it’s time to assert yourself.

Step one: reserve your seat:

Where Do I Get Started? Here

August 26th, 2018   |   By Tom Woods

If you joined me for the workshop with Sara Young and Andrew Hansen last week, you got a taste of why my folks like them so much — they know everything there is to know, and they’re excellent teachers.

Want an online side hustle you can be proud of, that isn’t gimmicky, relies on no shady black-hat methods, and is based on principles that will serve you well the rest of your life?

Then join us this Tuesday.

We’re doing one more workshop together, and this time we’re focusing on ten example products that generate good affiliate revenue, to give you an idea of what works. We’ll also be using an invaluable software that helps identify profitable products out of the innumerable items on Amazon.

We’ll also be covering which markets it makes sense to go into, and which are nice if you just want an online hobby. (Much as I wish it were otherwise, “libertarianism” is not going to be a profitable niche for most people.)

Sara and Andrew have excellent reputations, and my listeners (including my own mother) swear by them.

Oh, and as last time, I’m giving away $200 to each of five people who attend (winners from last time aren’t eligible to win again).

Sign up right now:

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