Tom’s Tips

Superman: Regime Propagandist

Posted by: By Tom Woods | October 21, 2022

Last night I decided to show my wife an episode of the 1950s Superman TV show, featuring George Reeves (whom I absolutely loved as a boy).

I didn’t feel like buying a whole season, so I checked to see what was available on YouTube. It turns out there is precisely one episode in the public domain: “Stamp Day for Superman.”

I thought something was off when in the opening credits we heard, “The United States Treasury Department presents…The Adventures of Superman.”

Say what?

This episode, it turns out, is all about why you should buy U.S. savings bonds, and it was meant to encourage schools to get in the habit of having kids save by lending to the U.S. government.

After all, Jimmy Olsen is able to buy a brand new portable typewriter with the interest he earned on his bonds!

More importantly, it was with that very typewriter, borrowed from Jimmy, that Lois is able to type the note that saves her from captivity.

Not all the episodes are like this, I assured my flabbergasted wife.

Now it’s easy to figure out what kind of thing the Treasury Department wants: Treasury Department propaganda, which would go on to be shown in schools across America. No challenge there.

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