Tom’s Tips

Who Are the Good Guys in the NFL Brouhaha?

Posted by: By Tom Woods | September 25, 2017

I should cheer the athletes protesting during the national anthem, some libertarians tell me, because they’re against the state!


Colin Kaepernick, who started the whole thing, is an admirer of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. I don’t think he’s waiting by the mailbox for his copy of Human Action.

If it’s police brutality they’re upset about, that’s not a federal issue, so it makes no sense to protest it during the national anthem.

In general, the message is “white privilege,” “institutional racism,” and the alleged need for (even more) radical changes to address these alleged problems.

Sorry, but I don’t buy any of it. Read Thomas Sowell’s book Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? You won’t be scammed by the “white privilege” folks ever again.

Ever met anyone who pretended to be white on a college application, in order to get a share of that “white privilege”?

Meanwhile, the other side is lousy, too.

What the heck are we doing politicizing and militarizing professional sports in the first place, what with the constant military displays and references?

The military establishment is not in any way protecting our freedom. It’s bleeding us dry on behalf of a hopeless global project whose scope is never defined and whose purpose remains unexplained.

If the protesters could articulate that message, or clearly oppose the warfare state’s propaganda, then we’d be getting somewhere. That kind of protest might actually make sense during the national anthem.

Now that I’ve alienated nutcases on both sides, the rest of us — who spend our time wisely! — can talk business.

Just two days from now, I’m holding a live call with Michael Cheney that will introduce you to a world most people don’t even know exists.

It’s a world in which, if you apply yourself, things can happen.

Things like $1000 commissions, of which I earned two last week.

A world that can make you so happy not even an inane NFL brouhaha can disturb you.

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