Tom’s Tips

For Lazy People Only

Posted by: By Tom Woods | June 11, 2017

Imagine this:

About six months ago my mentor Ben Settle, an expert on email marketing, asked people in his private Facebook group: out of curiosity, how many of you can legitimately say that your workday is finished once you’ve sent out one email?

He’s not saying you wouldn’t want to work on other projects, or whatever, after sending that email. But strictly speaking, can what you do online survive and flourish even if all you do every day is send out one email to your email list?

I don’t remember exactly how many people answered yes. But whatever the precise number was, it would shock you.

I know people whose email lists are so responsive that all they have to do is click SEND and serious dough starts showing up in their PayPal accounts.

“The money is in the list,” the saying goes.

That means your greatest asset as an online earner is going to be a list of email addresses from people who have voluntarily opted in to receive regular correspondence from you.

So how do you get a list?

Just asking for an email address without giving something away in return rarely works. The usual way is to create some product you can give away for free in exchange for the person’s email address.

But writing an eBook or coming up with some other kind of giveaway to build an email list sounds like a lot of work. So it sits on your to-do list, and never gets crossed off.

That doesn’t make you a bad person.

It does mean your progress is going to be slow.

So you’re going to thank me for telling you about the neat method I’ve been using to build my email list at my Happy Earner site.

It truly is the lazy man’s approach:


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