By now you’ve probably heard that Bill Weld, former Massachusetts governor and Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate, has changed his registration from Libertarian to Republican.
It’s looking like he won’t be seeking the LP nomination for president.
This blows the field wide open.
But here’s the problem:
No matter what candidate the LP fields in 2020, it’s going to be even more of a brutal beatdown than usual. The left is voting Democrat, period, to get Trump out. This is why I suspect the Green Party will have a dismal year as well.
The right, fearing the new Democrats, is going for Trump in a big way.
There will be even less opportunity for a third party to be heard.
Worse still, if the party does nominate a good, principled libertarian, the so-called “pragmatists” will blame those of us who favor principled candidates when the vote total comes out badly — even though any candidate, including those favored by the pragmatists, is going to get killed in 2020.
Some people are saying: focus on local races in 2020 instead.
That makes sense to me, especially since that’s what I think the LP should be doing anyway.
Now, what this has to do with you:
Remember my theme these days: finding freedom in an unfree world.
You can’t win every battle — but you can win some.
The LP can’t win the presidency, but it absolutely can win local races.
Likewise, you as an individual can’t change American political culture, but you sure as heck can change and improve your own life.
This is probably the best chance to do so that I’ll be able to find for you this year. I can’t imagine anything topping it.
But it closes its doors tomorrow night.
The time has come for the all-important click:
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