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Want to Know My Public Speaking Secrets?

March 26th, 2019   |   By Tom Woods

Here’s how to get them.

Life Isn’t Easy for the Nerdy Kid

February 7th, 2019   |   By Tom Woods

Man, the other kids sure didn’t make life easy for a kid like me.

I was bookish, I was interested in politics, I did all the things I wasn’t supposed to do.

And man, did they let me know it.

Now granted, I gave them plenty of ammunition: in 1984, when I was 12, I watched the Democratic and Republican conventions in their entirety.

And I’ll admit: that’s not normal for anyone at any age.

But I was curious, and this was bad.

I should be mocked for this.

I’ll be honest with you: it screwed me up, for a long time. I became suspicious of people who seemed to want to be my friends. What was their real angle? Were they setting me up for something?

By 10th grade I had broken out of it, but the damage had been done. For years afterward, I’d always wonder where I really stood with my friends. Turns out there was nothing to wonder about, but my experiences had left me insecure and skeptical.

You may not have had my experience, but I’ll bet you’ve read some of my posts and emails and thought:

OK, this stuff works, but maybe not for me.

I of all people get and understand that.

Today is the final day to get in on Steve Clayton’s business program. Steve has helped a boatload of my listeners build something that supports them, and that they can be proud of.

If deep down you want to do this, don’t be paralyzed by the kind of self-doubt that has plagued me for much of my life.

Here’s the key point: you get a 60-day money-back guarantee. To say you almost never see something like that is an understatement. If it doesn’t work out for you, get your money back. But the time surely won’t have been wasted: you’ll learn plenty of valuable skills that will serve you well in any business.

But I’ll bet you — like the vast majority of my listeners — won’t even consider a refund. You’ll be dancing a jig that you ever found out about Steve.

Steve’s program gives you virtually every unfair advantage you could ask for, and is perfect for an absolute newbie.

He has changed the lives of many of my listeners.

Don’t be your own worst enemy.

Watch my four-minute video, and you’ll know what to do:

After watching the video, click here.

P.S. This closes down for good at Midnight Pacific Time.

The Brutal Drubbing the Libertarian Party Is Going to Take in 2020

February 6th, 2019   |   By Tom Woods

By now you’ve probably heard that Bill Weld, former Massachusetts governor and Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate, has changed his registration from Libertarian to Republican.

It’s looking like he won’t be seeking the LP nomination for president.

This blows the field wide open.

But here’s the problem:

No matter what candidate the LP fields in 2020, it’s going to be even more of a brutal beatdown than usual. The left is voting Democrat, period, to get Trump out. This is why I suspect the Green Party will have a dismal year as well.

The right, fearing the new Democrats, is going for Trump in a big way.

There will be even less opportunity for a third party to be heard.

Worse still, if the party does nominate a good, principled libertarian, the so-called “pragmatists” will blame those of us who favor principled candidates when the vote total comes out badly — even though any candidate, including those favored by the pragmatists, is going to get killed in 2020.

Some people are saying: focus on local races in 2020 instead.

That makes sense to me, especially since that’s what I think the LP should be doing anyway.

Now, what this has to do with you:

Remember my theme these days: finding freedom in an unfree world.

You can’t win every battle — but you can win some.

The LP can’t win the presidency, but it absolutely can win local races.

Likewise, you as an individual can’t change American political culture, but you sure as heck can change and improve your own life.

This is probably the best chance to do so that I’ll be able to find for you this year. I can’t imagine anything topping it.

But it closes its doors tomorrow night.

The time has come for the all-important click:


I Was a Hacker, and the Secret Service Came to My House

February 5th, 2019   |   By Tom Woods

This really happened.

And yes, I used this as the topic of “What I Did Over the Summer” in freshman English with Mr. Reynolds at North Andover High School in 1986.

Long story short:

I was a computer hacker (a pretty lame one) in my early teens.

I definitely did things I should not have done.

But the one time the Secret Service came to my house, I was actually innocent.

A deranged kid in high school had ordered something with a stolen credit card number and had it sent to my house. He was crazy — he’d shot his best friend with a BB gun — so I believed him when he said he’d do terrible things if I told anyone.

Later he told me the package wasn’t going to come, that he’d used a bad credit card number, and I shouldn’t worry.

So there I am, fast asleep one morning (it was summertime, after all), and my mother comes into my room.

“I think you’d better get up.”

I wasn’t in any hurry.

She added: “The Secret Service is here to see you.”

I bolted out of bed.

This isn’t good.

Which of the 100 things they could nab me on was this going to be?

None of them.

It was about the thing that kid had ordered.

All caution went out the window. I told them exactly who had done it, and I even told him how he’d gotten the number.

Back in those pre-Internet days we had BBSs, so I showed them my secret access, etc.

No way am I letting this degenerate ruin my life, I thought.

I told them I was afraid he would retaliate. They assured me they would pay him a visit.

They must have scared the life out of him, because he never came near me after that. But people would come up to me in school and say, “Hey, do you know Jeff M—–? He asked me to punch you.”

(No one actually did it.)

Moral of the story:

Crime doesn’t pay.

If you’re going to use the Internet, use it for something honorable that you can be proud of.

Oh, and don’t “make money online.”

Build a business.

Like this:


P.S. I’m pulling this short video down tomorrow night, to add to the urgency and excitement. So go watch: https://www.happyearner.com/woodswhiteboard

How Much Faster Can Left-Wing Insanity Accelerate?

February 2nd, 2019   |   By Tom Woods

It’s getting nuttier by the minute.

Now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is telling us how privileged she is because she’s not transgender.

She and her friends want to get rid of fossil fuels, retrofit every single building for energy efficiency, and ban nuclear power — but they insist a huge emergency expenditure like this will actually make us rich.

(So if we didn’t have a planet-threatening emergency on our hands we’d be poorer? This makes no sense.)

The frenzied, hate-filled attack on “the rich” gets more low-IQ every day.

And people are banned and demonized for views that five years ago everyone on Earth took for granted.

At some level the crazies are just going to do their thing, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You focus on you.

As Steve Clayton prepares to close the doors on his new training (and when he closes the doors, they stay closed), he’s coming back for another session with us.

If you’re looking to build that business, a better idea for one isn’t likely to come along — at least from me — in 2019.

And the beauty of this one is that:

— you’re providing important services for local businesses who desperately need them;

— you don’t need a zillion customers to be very profitable;

— Steve’s folks will actually fulfill the services for you, so you don’t need to be a techie yourself; and

— you can be really proud of it.

In this second and final presentation Steve will walk you through:

— case studies of people doing precisely this, with each step broken down for you;

— 6 sales funnel strategies for turning leads into sales, again and again;

— a deep dive into a recent $25,900 sale and what we can learn from it;

— a lot more Q&A from you.

Ignore the crazies. Create your own freedom in an unfree world. Sign up to join us:


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