Tom’s Tips

Get Out Your Vomit Pan: Here’s the Email They Want Me to Send You

Posted by: By Tom Woods | December 08, 2018

Here’s a secret I’m almost certain you didn’t know.

When a product creator releases something new, he makes “email swipes” available to his affiliates. So when those affiliates promote his product, they don’t even have to write their own emails. They can just copy and paste these “swipes” and send them to their subscribers.

I never use these. They are excruciating. They sap my will to live.

You’re welcome.

I try to make every single email worth your time to open.

Inside you’ll find an illustrative story, or a news item tie-in, or something just plain amusing, such that you’ll find opening my emails worthwhile. (Want to hop on my entrepreneurship email list? Click here.)

And of course, I promote products that will make your life easier and more profitable, and I do my best to load them up with bonuses so you get the most bang for your buck.


Want a sample of what they want me to send you? Here you go.

Wow…I am BLOWN away!

What you about to get access to today is by far the BEST software bundle deal I have ever seen online…

You can finally STOP buying expensive software tools and paying hefty monthly fees for business automation tools!

The “biggest software bundle deal of the year” is HERE – it’s called AUTOMATION BUNDLE…

Here’s another snippet:

Customers and marketers from all around the world are RAVING about this brand new “All-inclusive” software bundle called AutomationBundle!

Within hours of release, AutomationBundle has become a BEST SELLER worldwide (there is good reason for that).

People who saw this technology in action are calling it…
‘Incredible Value Packed Offer’
‘Mind Blowing Deal’
‘Game Changing Software Bundle’
“Deal Of The Year”

Grab The 12-in-1 Software Deal at 95% OFF…

And so on.

I’m on lists where all they send are this kind of email every single day.

I stay on these lists not for the quality of the emails, but because they sometimes send me good offers that can make my business more effective, and I’m willing to endure the emails in order not to miss out on those things.

But yikes.

I do not subject you good folks to this.

Yet Automation Bundle is so good that even with emails like that, it sold 5000 copies on the first day.

If you want to build something online that generates revenue, you’d better (1) stand out; and (2) not try to do everything by hand.

Automation Bundle automates:

– Video Production (feel like doing that one yourself?)
– Webinar Marketing
– Email Marketing
– Graphics
– Traffic Generation
– Local Marketing
– Social Media
and more.

So let me wrap up by predicting your future(s).

(1) On January 1, you will resolve to start that online hustle.

(2) Automation Bundle closes six days from now, permanently, so unless you grabbed it by then, you won’t be able to get it.


Future #1:

You let Automation Bundle pass you by.

On January 1 you’re super excited to get started.

On January 2 you realize how much is involved, and you sure wish you’d gotten that software suite that automates it for you.

On January 3 your hopes and dreams become so much roadkill along the information superhighway.

Future #2:

On January 1 you’re super excited to get started.

You picked up Automation Bundle as soon as you saw this email (the price increases several times during the day, so now’s the time).

On January 2 you are well on your way to being a wizard who absolutely %&!$@ dominates.

You know which future you want.

Plus, for not subjecting you to excruciating emails, reward me with this one click:


Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission if you click on them and buy something. This helps me keep the lights on around here. Naturally, I don't recommend a product unless I have used and benefited from it myself, or I have researched it enough to determine it to be of good quality and likely to benefit my readers. I don't promote anything created by the swamp dwellers. Thanks for reading!

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