Tom’s Tips

How Many of These Five Weird Sales Questions Can You Answer?

Posted by: By Tom Woods | February 12, 2017

How many of these can you answer?

(1) Which picture brings in the most sales on a page offering an information product: a photo of the author, the product, or a happy customer?

(2) Can you create an income stream from selling public domain books whose copyrights have expired?

(3) Let’s talk minimum acceptable mark-up on products you sell online. You sell a product for $50. Can you afford to buy it for $25?

(4) With so much information available for free online, why do people on the Internet spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on information products? (And thank goodness they do, because that means you can create and sell some.)

(5) Are there certain colors whose use leads to more online sales?

My friend — the only person I have ever allowed to write in my name, for my sales copy — answers hundreds of questions like these.

And he guides you through how he’s built up such a successful online business. Here’s what to do, laid out in a straightforward way, without information overload.


The sales copy sounds hypey, which is not my style. And the video is awful.

But as with everything this guy does, the substance is top notch — and if those bullet points don’t arouse curiosity, nothing will.

Plus, forward me your receipt and I’ll send you my free 20-video series on how to drive traffic to your site. I’m not making that series available anywhere else right now except as this bonus. (I’m planning to sell it for $27 a few months from now.)

Copy and paste your receipt into my contact page, and she’s yours.

But 48 hours from now, that bonus disappears.

Get those questions answered:


Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission if you click on them and buy something. This helps me keep the lights on around here. Naturally, I don't recommend a product unless I have used and benefited from it myself, or I have researched it enough to determine it to be of good quality and likely to benefit my readers. I don't promote anything created by the swamp dwellers. Thanks for reading!

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