Tom’s Tips

Forget About Machines Taking Your Job; If You’re Smart, They’ll Earn You Dough

Posted by: By Tom Woods | March 06, 2017

I like when machines do my work for me.

Machines can even find people who would like what I have to offer.

It’s called Facebook Lookalike Audiences.

Facebook looks at people who buy what you have to sell, finds demographic patterns and interest commonalities between them, and then generates additional traffic that looks like these people.

Or how about this:

Someone puts a product in the shopping cart, but for whatever reason never finishes the checkout process. (This happens a lot, by the way — maybe they get distracted, or they don’t like the shipping cost, or whatever.)

You can have Facebook present a special ad that says to these people: hey, we saw you put that backpack in your cart but didn’t buy it. How’s an extra 25% off?

This is called “retargeting,” and it can be used in lots of different ways. By some estimates, eCommerce profits increase by 20% when retargeting is used.

Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth — both eCommerce millionaires with excellent reputations — recently met with 20 of their most successful eCommerce students, and every single one said retargeting had been a huge win for them.

As you can see, there’s a lot of amazing stuff out there. You should learn about this stuff. People who know about it are absolutely cleaning up online. These are people who are much less intelligent than you.

I’ve recruited Steve and Aidan for one more workshop for my people. This isn’t the kind of thing you should want to miss.

Everybody wants an additional income stream, but almost nobody ever does anything.

These guys run little online stores from the comfort of their homes. Knuckleheads with half your IQ are also doing this.

Check it out, and take notes:


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